Our Vision and Purpose

Is to be DEVOTED to God, DARING to share the story of Jesus with our neighbors and the nations.


We are a church FAMILY where you can connect with new friends, learn about God, and take the next step in your JOURNEY of faith.

We are a COMMUNITY of real people with real struggles who have experienced the transforming GRACE of God and who try to live our lives in gratitude and in alignment with God’s plan for ourselves and for the world.

HCC Core Values


We are a Christian FAMILY of faith held together by forgiveness, reconciliation, and love. God empowers us to nurture a safe environment where hospitality and authentic relationships are the foundation of disciple formation.

Community of Missionaries

God calls us to join Him in His mission. We are a church full of missionaries. Every member is challenged to see themselves as an agent of God’s mission. There are no bench-warmers when it comes to sharing Jesus’ story. It is our goal to actively engage un-churched neighbors in the Hollywood area so they may hear the claims of the Gospel and respond by grace through faith.

Journey of Discipleship

God calls us to make disciples. Ours is an active and ongoing commitment to deeper spiritual maturity among our people – this includes knowledge and obedience in our everyday lives. Being a true follower of Jesus involves the constant aligning of our lives with the values and priorities of God’s Kingdom.

Developing Gifts

At HCC, members are invited and equipped to use their gifts and even discover new gifts through opportunities to teach, preach and serve. Opportunities to serve include: participation in public worship, teaching children’s classes, hospitality team, small groups, and leading new ministries among many others. Hollywood is not a church to come hide in the crowd.

What’s Unique at HCC?

No Preaching Pastor

Instead of a preacher, we have a team of lay preachers! The preaching team and leadership model at Hollywood has a biblical precedent and is structured in a way that enhances broad participation and encourages the formation of humble servant leaders.

We have a Family Life Minister, whose task is to equip us for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16). We don’t come to church to support his ministry, rather our Minister comes to church to support our ministries.

No Creed Beyond Scripture

There is nothing wrong with creeds or doctrines, but they oversimplify and when people start building systems on that oversimplification they miss the central point.


Our church building is simple. In fact, it looks a little like a barn. In contrast to the pretense and façade of Hollywood, our church is like a breath of fresh air with our unpretentious and untailored worship service and lay leaders.


What We Believe

God is King. Many claim ultimacy, but only God is truly sovereign.

God reigns through his Son Jesus Christ, who was exalted in his ministry, his death, and his resurrection.

God reveals himself through the Holy Spirit by whom we are enabled to believe in Jesus, to follow him and to share in the work of God’s kingdom.

The Bible is God’s given means through which we know who Jesus is. We live under the authority of Scripture, because that is how we live under the authority of God.

The King is coming back again to reclaim his lordship over creation, to judge the living and the dead and to redeem His creation.

As followers of Jesus, we are being equipped to be a royal priesthood and a holy people proclaiming and embodying God’s reign through our words and actions.

The Church of Christ

As a Church of Christ, we are a community of disciples that belongs first and solely to Jesus Christ. Historically, we are connected by faith and tradition to a larger group who calls themselves the Church of Christ. The Churches of Christ have their immediate roots in the American Restoration Movement. During the early 19th century, several independent movements joined together calling for the unity of all Christians under the sole authority of Scripture. These churches wanted to own no name but Christ’s, and, as much as possible, to be like the first century churches in organization, doctrine, faith, and zeal.  They invited people from all the denominations to set aside the barriers which divided them and unite under the authority of the Bible and our one Lord. We, therefore, like other Churches of Christ, have no denominational organization to which we are accountable.

The Hollywood Church of Christ does not claim perfect understanding of the Bible, though we strive to live by God’s Word in everything.

We have spiritual leaders to guide us; but we are convinced that all Christians are called to be ministers of Jesus according to their spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Unique Traditions


Our worship, though thoughtfully planned, is intentionally simple. It is not our goal to entertain, but it is our goal to fully give ourselves in body, mind, and heart to worship God.

One of the first things you will notice is that our singing is entirely congregational and un-accompanied by instrumental music. We do so because we believe that worship ought to involve the participation of the whole church as much as possible.

The Lord’s Supper  

Each Sunday we share in the Lord’s Supper. Although customary in our tradition, this is much more than custom. Jesus instituted this meal with His disciples on the night of His arrest as part of the Jewish Passover meal. Taking of the unleavened bread and “fruit of the vine” in remembrance of our Lord is His command and gift to us. The Lord’s Supper is an opportunity for communion with our Lord and with one another, for reflection and transformation, and to remember the life and death of our Savior Jesus Christ.